Global commerce and government regulation have a dynamic impact on companies involved in the international trade of goods and services. Changing market conditions and legislative priorities affect customs laws, exchange controls and corporate investment. Unforeseen risks across borders can trigger liabilities and costs that outweigh investment returns. In addition, revisions to national laws and regulations, as well as the implementation of international trade agreements, increases the complexity of product sourcing, production and distribution across borders. Our attorneys help our clients navigate the risks and maximize the opportunities associated with this increasingly complex web of regulation.
M&W has an extensive knowledge of international laws and we use that experience in our dealings with businesses that want to expand their operations overseas. We also represent foreign companies that are looking to bring their business dealings to the United States and abroad. Our attorneys strive to offer both legal support and business insights, in order to help each client develop sustainable, long-term strategies for the expansion and scalability of its global business. We believe that through proactive representation, we can identify optimal strategies and reduce the potential for future problems in the long run.
Our attorneys counsel clients on the impact of both domestic and foreign compliance requirements on areas such as:
M&W also assists foreign companies in understanding and navigating the U.S. corporate compliance landscape by evaluating how these requirements affect businesses’ long-term decisions and day-to-day operations. We are skilled at structuring international business transactions and capital raising methods. We also provide legal guidance in asset protection and trust arrangements.
Our professionals have significant experience helping foreign and domestic companies to comply with U.S. Customs and U.S. agency regulations concerning the importation of products into the U.S. This includes issues of commodity jurisdiction and dual use under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) as well as DDTC licenses and approvals for products subject to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).
Finally, we provide legal support on outsourcing and re-sourcing arrangements to user and supplier companies worldwide. Our lawyers have extensive experience on all types of outsourcing transactions, from traditional information technology outsourcing deals to newer human resource, financial and accounting and other business process outsourcings. We assist clients with: